Lately, Am super busy with life... i.e. being mom, being the wifey, being a woman, being a girl, being a daughter, being a sister, being an employee...
hmm what can I say, not complaining, I'm glad I'm able to do it!!!
I'm into everything that I think best for my life and I learnt from my mistakes, I have downfall in my life but I would like to believe that I raised up from the fall and move on... I try hard to believe that I can do it and it came from my heart and desire to get anything I wanted.. In life I'm blessed with loving husband,Sylver whom I gave my trust and I believe we lead a happy life... my three daughters is my gems... they completed our life... without them I'm nothing... in careerwise, I'm striving hard to prove that I'm competent for the post and I believe I'm climbing the ladder of success...