Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I am 35 years old!!! yay!

Hi Blog, sorry for not being able to update you on life regularly...

Hey, I'm 35 years old today....

I have lived my life for 35 years...

Things that I have accomplished so far :

1) Got married at 28
2) Have 3 daughters (No son just yet)
3) I have finally built my very own house and no mortgage to pay...
4) no longer in the administrative line
5) doing work which I love!
6) being with my parents, fil & mil, my beloved sisters, brothers and everyone!!!
7) being happy and grateful with what I am !!!

cheers to life!!!

1 comment:

  1. big congratulations, shern! you've accomplished a lot in such a short time ;) as they say here in OZ, "Good on ya, mate!" :)
